Every parent is conecerned regarding the admissions of their kid in school. He have lots of question
which keep coming on mind ,how to select the best school for their kid.
To solve the puzzled questions in parent, we have a short guide for parents to look into before
visiting into any school.
Try to find out the following when you visit the school:
1. What kind of educational philosophy are you looking for your kid?
2. Education, Training and Experience of teachers and staffs.
3. How much qualified, trained and experienced are the school teachers.
4. Do they understand the growth and development of a child?
5. To check the facilities for child’s development towards motor skills that
plays a vital role from the school’s behalf.
6. School has daily exposure to child’s physical activity as an essential part
for development of the skills.
7. To have an understanding of the school’s philosophy for teaching and
caring of the kid.
While you visit a school, do observe the type of activities children are doing and their involvement in it.
8. How are the children working in a group, i.e., how cooperative they are?
9. DO they have enough space and time to run around the campus freely?
10 Does child get opportunities to perform different things with the materials provided to them
by the school?
On your visit to the school, if you feel that it’s the best school where your
child would love to go and you love to send your child, your search ends
here and do freeze it.
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